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December 11, 2008


Mandy Bohall

It's ok that you don't know what a Braatz Doll is. It just shows that your kids are older and that you don't have grandkids yet! :)

Denise Schowe

Isn't it funny that the little girls ask for brooms and mops and Baby Alives? Little do they realize, they've got their whole lives to clean up around the house and change baby diapers. Oh well, I was the exact same way...cracks me up!
Way to go on finding Spike (or some dino that very much looks like Spike). That little boy is going to be so psyched!!

Debb Bresina

What a great idea! Hope the NH staff don't mind if the D2S-ers steal the idea for '09...

Carol Ann

Remember when you said you were turning over a new blog leaf? I'm waiting!

Carol Ann

Post something, please!!!!!!!!

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