In the last week since Barack Obama was elected President I have heard tales of doomsday and utopia.
On the doomsday side of the ledger I have heard that Obama will take my guns and raise my taxes and promote abortions. I have heard that he is proof of evil reigning in our land and he may even be the Anti-Christ! Some say he will sell the United States out to our enemies. I have been told that those who do not pay any income tax will not get a refund and if you make too much money... then you will be forced to be patriotic by sharing what you have. Obama will take the United States into the ditch morally and culturally by appointing liberal judges and promoting lifestyles that are an abomination to God.
Some even say that if the President Elect gets his way, he will bring conservative radio to an end and eliminate the coal industry all together. And... the list goes on.
Those on the utopia side of things think much different. I read where one Obama supporter said that it would be the first time in her life that she would be able to wake up and not worry about high gas prices, war in the world, or not being able to get a quality education. Wow! Also, I have heard that Obama will bring about bipartisanship, and end to global warming and eliminate crime. He will also restore the credibility of the United States in the world and end the war in Iraq.
Some even say that Obama will provide affordable and effective health-care for every person who calls the USA home. And... the list goes on.
Everyone relax! No matter if you were elated or depressed about the election - the biggest thing in life has not changed. Jesus is still the answer.
God was not surprised on November 4.
To those who are speaking doomsday, take a really deep breath, stay away from caffeine and certain WEB sites, and relax. God is still in control. No persons ideology or policies are more powerful that God. Pray for our government and especially the President Elect. The take all of that pent up energy and use it to get to know Jesus. If you already follow Jesus, then use that emotion and drive to introduce others to Jesus through word and deed.
To my friends who are on cloud nine at the outcome of this historic moment... celebrate. Then please take in oxygen until that dizzy euphoric feeling subsides. Remember that no man is the savior. Ask yourself who you are really trusting. This world will always have trouble. Take that strong desire you have for bringing change and seeing justice and then point people to the ultimate transformer and provider of justice - Jesus.
The troubles of this world that we elect people to fix, always relate back to sin. We have tried to deal with sin through policy, medication, behavioral modification, education, embracing it, and ignoring it. None of it has ever worked or will ever work. The only answer is Jesus. Trust in Him!
I heard recently..... Politics aside, whether you like or hate his political stances, it is a great day for America when an African-American is elected president. That is worthy of celebration.
Other than that, I fully agree... In fact, I'd take it one step further and say that if you are in either camp (doomsday or elation) over the political beliefs of our yet-to-be-sworn-in president, you have too much invested and need to re-evaluate who is LORD in your life.
Posted by: Joel Frederick | November 12, 2008 at 10:28 PM
Good, very good!
Posted by: Jack | November 13, 2008 at 01:13 AM
I love this post. I was wrapped up in the whole thing and agree with you 100%. Even if things hadn't turned out the way I'd hoped, I kept reminding myself of what you are saying here. The only way in my life is Jesus. No one else can save me, no one else is there for me in the way He is. He is the real deal, period.
I will pray for our new President...he's going to need it!
Posted by: Denise | November 13, 2008 at 04:12 PM
You took the words right out of my mouth... and heart. Way to go brother!
Posted by: Debb | November 16, 2008 at 07:02 PM
Love the post (and Joel's comments). Very well said.
Posted by: Tre Lawrence | November 28, 2008 at 08:14 PM