Over at Jesus Creed there is an insightful conversation taking place about Jesus and culture. The context for this discussion is the John Stackhouse book, Making the Best of It.
To begin the discussion McKnight breaks down the classic typology of H. Richard Niebuhr found in Christ and Culture. So when it comes to your view of Jesus and culture, which view best describes you?
- Jesus against Culture: Reject the world and separate from it.
- Jesus of Culture: Viewing Jesus in terms of cultural values. Interpret culture through Jesus and Jesus through culture.
- Jesus above Culture: Culture is neither good or bad and God works through a harmony of both.
- Jesus and Culture in Paradox: We live in both the spiritual world and temporal world and have responsibilities in both.
- Jesus the Transformer of Culture: Culture is flawed and corrupt, but redeemable.
A more detailed description of each view can be found here.