Today marks the eighth anniversary of the shootings at Columbine High School that killed twelve students and one teacher. I was a youth pastor at the time and I can remember very clearly being in my office, receiving a phone call, then turning on the radio and hearing about the tragedy. All of a sudden my teaching plans for the week seemed insignificant and in need of some significant change. My mind quickly shifted to helping my students deal with the events that took place 30 miles away.
A fellow youth pastor and friend, Lane Palmer led a student ministry that was made up of mostly Columbine students. During and after the events, Lane provided great help and comfort to students, families and the community.
Today he provides wisdom, challenge, encouragement, and hope for those of us who try to provide care in the midst of such tragedy. Lane writes:
- Sometimes the phrase “it seemed like yesterday” can be viewed as an overused cliché, but in this case it is absolutely accurate.
I’m talking about the April 20th, 1999 tragedy at Columbine High School, where 12 students and one teacher were killed by two students who later took their lives. The reason it still seems like yesterday is because of my closeness to the situation. I was a youth pastor in Littleton, Colorado with a youth group made up primarily of Columbine students.
At first the images from that day struck me as a fire at the school... continue